Friday, February 10, 2006

Some Thursday Night / 2AM Links

Crossing the Rubicon (who crossed the 100,000 visitor plateau Thursday--Mazel Tov) and Smooth Stone both point out a column in the Guardian by 'an eyewitness' who disputes a previous Guardian article on apartheid in Israel.

Meryl Yourish has a new job (Mazel Tov!) and is looking for a correspondent to assist. (Anti-Zionists need not apply)

Boker Tov, Boulder! has an article by Naomi Ragen with a link to video of what happened at Amona.

Judeopundit finds that Moslems can find something else to rampage about besides cartoons.

A Simple Jew writes about a new kind of Sheitel Macher that fills a vacuum.

Shiloh Musings notes against whom the majority of Security Council resolutions are aimed in light of the Moslem connection with world terror.

The West Bank Blog sees how Israel is making sure that Ehud Olmert and Cheech and Chong have nothing in common

ConservaJew is Re-Thinking George W.

Psycho Toddler gets answers to Kiwi's Questions

SerandEz has another address by Professor Justice--on: State Of The Obstructocrats


Gail said...

Thanks for the link, and the congratulations. : )

westbankmama said...

Thank you Daled Amos, I appreciate the link. Wow, 100,000! Im Yirtze Hashem By Me!