Monday, November 14, 2011

Videos: During WWII, Arabs Fought With Nazi Occupiers Against The Resistance

We all know who was Hitler's favorite Middle East guest:
The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin al-Husseini, the undisputed leader of the Arabs living in then-Palestine.

1943 Handschar Nazi Division Flag

What may not be as well known is that the Mufti established the Muslim 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar which was used by the Nazis to crush the Yugoslavian resistance.

Here is a video segment from The History Channel:

More on the strong bond between the Mufit and Hitler, between Islamic fundamentalism and Nazism, from the movie Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West:

Bottom line:

While they pay lip service to the idea of resisting an occupier, the fact is that during WWII the Arabs found on behalf of the Nazi occupiers and actively sought out and killed the resistance.

And this was done under the supervision of a Palestinian Arab leader.

Of course, back then, "resistance" meant actually fighting against an enemy--not firing rockets at unarmed civilians from a distance while hiding among the people you claim to be fighting on behalf of and putting them in danger.

Hat tip: Tell Children The Truth

Addendum: Here is another video that also touches upon the Mufti's aid to the German occupation, among other issue of Muslim/Nazi cooperation.

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